**After a Major Standard Gauge Derailment**
SOO 459 Repaired
SOO 2-8-0 #459 lost a main rod bolt and ejected itself from the layout to the floor striking framework on the way down. During a 70 car three train operating session 459 dropped 10 cars in the Rhinelander Yard and was proceeding down grade with 10 cars and a caboose when a bolt came out of the main rod on the second driver. The motor driven wheelset , still connected to the main rod, caught a tie and flipped the loco and tender off the layout.
Most of the damage was to the tender. All the wire connectors were pulled out of the decoder as well as a few parts and 2-wheel sets had broken loose.
It looked like a simple repair which is much better than I expected when it happened. The two other trains were a 55-car ore train and a CNW steam passenger train all under steam. An RS1 came down from Rhinelander to back the train, which had no damage back to the yard. All traffic was stopped as the train was left standing on a single-track main line. Mainline trains were placed in sidings while the equipment was recovered.
I I found an image of the wires online and printed it as a reference for reconnecting the wires.
SOO 459 is back in service...
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